Friday, January 29, 2010

Davis family update...

Well you would think a lot has been going on since my last post, but not a whole lot has happened. Parker has been growing like a weed which is bitter sweet. It's fun to see him grow into a little man, but a little sad because I know he won't be a baby for long. He rolled over the other day. I really think he rolled over because he is top heavy and it kind of just carried him over. Justin and I say he just has a big brain. The best thing about Parker right now is that he smiles and giggles a lot. He really thinks his daddy is halarious, which is no suprise.

We have traveled a lot over Parker's 3 months. We have been to Little Rock and Shreveport to see family. I have really enjoyed being able to stay home with Parker. I feel truly blessed. He keeps me busy. I can't keep up with the laundry with two stinky boys in the house, but i lovely every minute with them.

We have had a lot of winter weather in Rogers. We are actually stuck in the house today because of ice and tons of snow. I'm ok with the weather because Justin is working out of the house. I really am ready for spring though. Parker and I want to take some walks.

We go to the doctor for Parker's 4 month check up at the end of Feb. We are hoping to start rice cereal after that check up. Recently he just doesn't seem to be satisfied. He was sleeping through the night so well and this week he keeps waking up hungry. So we are looking forward to his doctors appointment.

We are hoping to do some more traveling to Kansas City and Dallas. I really miss all my friends!

Here are some recent pictures of Parker...

About to grow out of his bassinet

At his 2 month doctors appointment

Looks more and more like his daddy everyday

Sunday after church ritual

Loves his mobile

First basketball game...couldn't believe he fell asleep it was very loud!

He can't keep his hands out of his mouth...Justin can't stand it

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Growing up so fast!!

So I have obviously gotten the tests back from my heart thing...everything looked fine. I feel a lot better about everything. Thanks for the prayers!

Well Parker has been doing great! He is growing everyday. Our favorite time of day is when Justin gets home and we give Parker a bath. He seems to love the water. The sad thing is that Parker has stinking baby acne. I didn't expect this at all. They say it's from my hormones and will last a few weeks. I had to cancel his pictures. I hope it goes away soon, I miss his beautiful skin. Besides the acne, he has been eating more and pooping bigger!! He is definitely growing. He holds his head up very well. I try to give him some tummy time everyday. He can turn his head back and forth. I kinda feel like he is growing up too fast. Justin and I are very proud parents.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

This past weeks review...'s been a crazy past few days. We took Parker to his first doctors appointmet on Monday and it went great. He gained 2 ounces!! I was a proud momma. Well a couple days went by and everything was fine until Wednesday when I started feeling awful! I had a cough for about 3 weeks, but haven't felt bad. On Wednesday I was getting the chills then sweating, my throat hurt, and I was very uncomfortable. I was very upset because I didn't want Parker to get sick. Justin made me a doctors appointment on thurs so he sat in the car with Parker while I was being checked out. Not only did they tell me I had the flu, I was having to go to the heart doctor on friday. We called mom to come back up so she could help take care of Parker and me. I was told not to hold him unless I was feeding him and had to wear a mask, which was hard to hear. That night every 3 hrs when I got up to feed Parker I would be covered in sweat still feeling awful. On friday I started to feel a little better but had to go to the heart doctor then back to my family doctor. They ran a few more tests and everything was starting to look better. We had a good rest of the day and night. Saturday Parker was very fussy all through the night into Sunday. He is usually so calm and doesn't get upset, so I knew something had to be wrong. As soon as I started to feel better I got a bladder infection. Well we called our doctor and he called me in a prescription and told us to take Parker into the ER to get him checked to see of he had the flu. So we were at the hospital for about 4hrs. They said he was waaaaay too small and young to give him the test. The doc looked over him and said he looked good. When we got home that night he seemed to feel better and back to himself. He has been his sweet self ever since. I still haven't heard back from the heart doctor, but I'm sure everything will be fine. The Davis household has been through a lot, but we are all doing a lot better. So that is what has been going on with us. I'll let u know when I hear back from the heart doctor.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm sure u can't believe that I'm actually posting again

So life is great!! The Lord has blessed me abundantly!!! I have an amazing baby, husband, friends, and family.
Today was another good day with Parker. He has been eating very well, which was one Justins #1 concerns. I enjoy that special time I have with Parker. I have to brag on Justin... He has been great with getting Parker to sleep then laying him in his bassinet. I struggle with putting him down at any time, so Justin has stayed on me about putting him down at night so I can get some rest. It is a work in progress.
I'll try to post some pictures sometime soon. But here is Parker right now, as I'm blogging, to hold u over til then...

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So a lot has happened and I'm gunna try to do better...

Well as most of u know we have a new addition to our family. We had a baby boy, Parker Wade, October 25th-my great grandmothers birthday. He was 9lbs 10oz. I know that probably blows most of ur minds. He is a very big boy! We feel extremely blessed.
Since Parker's arrival we have had lots of company, no rest, and tons of joy. We have enjoyed spending so much time with family and friends. We feel very loved. My mom is staying with us for awhile. She is such a trooper. I don't think it would be possible without her. She has cleaned, cooked, changed diapers, stayed up all night with me, and given me tons of wisdom. She even kept Parker for us while justin and I spent some time together. Thanks mom!!!
I know that the rest of the family is very proud. They just can't get enough of him. He has the best cheeks to kiss on.
Since having a baby requires no sleep, I hope to keep this updated a little more. Can't promise everything will make sense, but that's how it goes in the early morning hrs.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

sorry it's been so long...

I know we have been slacking, but we will try to do better. We wanted to give everyone an update on what is going on. We have been really busy, but it's good for us. We have been going to all the Razorback games, trying to be faithful fans. That takes up a lot of our weekends, but I really like it when there are games because everyone comes up. So we get to see our family and friends. We had a "Hog Wild Cookout" a couple of weekends ago. We had a lot of friends over for some great food and fellowship. We also made a trip to Little Rock for Justin's work. We got to see Heather and Andrew which is always fun! We LOVE hanging out with them. This past weekend my mom and granny came up for War Eagle. So while I was at work on Friday they went art and crafting. They stayed with us Friday night and we got up early to go to all the other arts and craft shows. I had a great time with them!! I think that it will be a tradition with us. We didn't buy a whole lot, but I did get a "Our First Christmas" ornament for Justin and that was fun!!

Work has been busy for Justin. He is doing really well. Right now he is ranked 16th(out of 400) overall, which is very impressive. If he keeps up the hard work we will possibly get to go on a tropical vacation in Feb. So we are really looking forward to that. Work for me has been really good too. We are now a Christian preschool/daycare, which is a great change!! I can't wait for all the changes. They told me that they were going to let me make my own schedule for the 4 and 5 year olds, so I have been thinking and working on that. Rachel Rainwater sent me some of the stuff she is doing with her class, which was a huge help. Justin and I both enjoy going to work, so that is a great blessing!!

We look forward to this weekend...Rachel and David are coming into town, as well as my family. I can't wait to see Rachel! I hate that we don't get to see each other very much. So this should be a really great weekend! We will let you know how it goes!